I usually like to have my camera with me on a trip, but there are times when it’s just something else to potentially lose. How do I know if I should bring it or leave it? There are three main things that I consider when deciding whether or not to bring my camera on a trip: the point of the trip, the frequency of my visits to that location, and a combination of how long I will be there and what type of weather is forecasted. Once I have considered these factors, I make my decision about whether I should camera or not camera.

First: what is the point of my trip? If the point of my trip is to go out partying with friends, I don’t bring my camera. In that situation, a camera would just be something to potentially lose. But – if I’m traveling to a place on my own, and it’s a location that I’ve wanted to photograph, I take my nice camera.

Second: how often do I visit the place I am traveling to? If it’s someplace that I visit frequently, I’m less likely to take my camera. However, if it’s a first visit, or a place that is difficult for me to travel to, the camera comes with me.

Finally: how long will I be there and what kind of weather is forecasted? If I’m going on a weekend getaway and the weather is supposed to be awful, why waste energy carrying a heavy camera? If I’m going on a longer trip, though, I always bring my camera. Any trip longer than four days, my camera is most likely going in my bag, because weather is changeable.

Once I have considered all of these factors, I make my decision. To be completely honest, though, I usually err on the side of “to camera.” Unless I know that I won’t be taking photos, I would rather have it and not use it than stand in front of an amazing sunset, wishing I had brought my camera.

Sunset over Lake Superior