Disclaimer – I’m not a big city girl. I prefer living in small cities, with plenty of open spaces and trees. However, there are some big cities that I like to visit. Chicago is one of my favorite cities to visit. I can hop on the train and be there in a few hours for a fun weekend getaway.

Many people have made lists of the best things to see and do in Chicago, so I’m not going to make another list here for you. Maybe I will some other time, but not today. Today is about why I like to visit Chicago.

First – I love museums. Between the Field Museum, the Art Institute, the Adler Planetarium, the Museum of Science and Industry, the Shedd Aquarium (I’m counting it, deal with it), and so many others, I can visit museums to my geeky heart’s content. When the weather is gross, which isn’t unusual in Chicago, I can still have fun by popping in to a museum.

Second – theater! Who doesn’t love going to the theater? I’ve seen Hamilton there (twice!!) and gone to an improv show at Second City Chicago. There is also an excellent Shakespeare group in Chicago. There are shows for nearly every budget imaginable, if you want to go.

Third – the architecture in Chicago is phenomenal. There are Art Deco masterpieces, Mid-Century Modern buildings, classically-inspired buildings – nearly every type of architecture you can imagine. I highly recommend taking one of the many architecture tours available, even if you only have a passing interest.

All in all, Chicago is a fantastic city to visit. There’s so much to see and do, even beyond the museums, theaters, and architecture, that I can’t truly do it justice in a single post. You’ll just have to come experience it for yourself.