Let me preface this post with the following qualifier: I have only actually stayed in three hotels in Chicago. One was out by O’Hare because I needed free parking. One was the Hyatt Regency (which is a very nice hotel, but just not really my aesthetic) because I had such a ridiculously good deal that I would have been dumb to stay anywhere else. The other is the Acme.

I love the Acme. Yes, it is a bit hipster. No, it isn’t the cheapest. Yes, they deliver a thermos of coffee to your room at whatever time you request (within reason). As a matter of fact, if you want to request one thermos per person registered to the room, they will accommodate the request!

One thermos for me, one for my sister (who might’ve been a touch hungover)

I’ve stayed at the Acme on three separate occasions and it is my go-to hotel for Chicago. If you want fancy drinks, you can go to the Berkshire Room downstairs. If you want a quick bite, stop at West Town Bakery by the lobby, if you want fun drinks, why not go to the Bodega on the 2nd floor? And if you want personal bar service and a hot tub for you and your friends? Hello, Bunny Slope!! Gotta say, though, I’m partial to the in-room cocktail kits. You get to mix your cocktail in the comfort of your room for WAY less than you’d pay at a bar, and sip while getting ready to go out and have fun.

What kind of fun can you have while using the Acme as your base of operations? Pretty much any kind you can think of! It’s not located in the Loop, but it’s very close to the Magnificent Mile (easy walking distance, actually). The Red Line stops about two minutes’ walk from the hotel, which is super convenient. And! If you’re walking around and the weather is icky? They will loan you an umbrella for free! (My sister and I took advantage of this during our New Year trip)

Remember I mentioned aesthetics? Well, I love the little chalkboards on each door (and it makes it easier to go to the right room when you’re, um, exhausted).

Ultimately, this hotel is just plain fun, and since I like fun, it makes sense that I would love the Acme (and on the off chance anyone is wondering, no, I’m not getting paid to say this. I’m not that influential.).