I’m sure I’ve said it before, but I am going to say it again: Michigan is an amazing place. I’ve lived here for almost my entire life and I am still finding new places to explore. Last week I went up north to the Leelenau Peninsula and camped in Leelenau State Park for three nights. Glorious nights. Marvelous nights. Quiet nights.

Since Leelenau SP is a rustic campground with no showers or flushing toilets, I don’t think I could handle more than three nights at a time (at least in a tent). That said, I find that the rustic campgrounds tend to be more peaceful than the modern ones that have more amenities. Of course, half the time that I go camping, the showers aren’t open anyway, since I tend to go either very early or very late in the season, so there’s that. Deodorant is very important when camping. Dry shampoo is up there, too.

Now, this is where I could make up stories about all the hiking and fancy cooking I did while I was camping, but the truth is this: I camp to relax, which usually involves hanging a hammock between two trees and snoozing while listening to the sounds of the forest. Sure, I do some light hiking, but mostly I enjoy not having to stress out about being social. Also, bonfires. Although, I had yet another “adulting is hard” moment while on this particular trip. Long story short: I forgot that metal gets hot when exposed to open flames, and well…at least the finger burns were only of the first degree variety. Blisters would have been annoying.

This is the evil little piece of metal that burned me when I did the dumb thing. Whoops.

The biggest part of relaxing while camping, for me anyway, is this: I take pictures. Shocking, I know. Who’d have thought that I would take pictures?? I particularly enjoy photographing sunsets over Lake Michigan, but on this trip I took some time to photograph the Grand Traverse Lighthouse. I don’t have my photo portfolio from this particular trip ready to post yet, so expect a pure photo post within the next couple of weeks. For now, enjoy the snapshots that I’ve included in here.

Finally, speaking of the Grand Traverse Lighthouse, if you are ever up in that area, you should definitely take the time to visit. It’s only $5 for adults, has been restored to circa 1930’s era, and you can climb all the way to the very top and get amazing views over Lake Michigan. Climbing of ladders and the possibility of bumping your head multiple times is included in the price of admission!