I think everyone is pretty well aware of the fact that I am going to be in Europe for close to three months, with the clock starting when I land in London next Tuesday. Obviously, I am going to be doing a bunch of touristy things while I am abroad, but I am also going to be taking a pair of online classes.

Why am I taking online classes when I could just be gallivanting about and having fun? Because I am a massive geek, that is why. Also, it will be a good way for me to gain some valuable skills, such as working remotely, only instead of working, I will be learning remotely. It will also help keep me from turning into a total sloth, since I am quite proud of my 4.0 GPA that I have going right now.

Ultimately, learning is fun. I don’t care what anyone else says. I hope I never lose my thirst for knowledge. Besides, online marketing/business and graphic design classes never hurt anyone’s career chances, did they?